Thursday, January 21, 2010


Swaddling is the art of snugly wrapping your baby in a blanket for warmth and security. It can keep him from being disturbed by his own startle reflex, and it may even help him stay warm and toasty for the first few days of life until his internal thermostat kicks in. Most important, it can help to calm your baby.

How do I perform this cozy art?
• Lay a blanket on a flat surface and fold down the top-right corner about 6 inches.
• Place your baby on his back with his head on the fold.
• Pull the corner near your baby's left hand across his body, and tuck the leading edge under his back on the right side under the arm.
• Pull the bottom corner up under your baby's chin.
• Bring the loose corner over your baby's right arm and tuck it under the back on his left side. If your baby prefers to have his arms free, you can swaddle him under the arms. This gives him access to his hands and fingers.

I have a baby who, at the age of 8 months, still loves to be swaddled for her naps and night time sleeping. Who am I to say she should be. I love to be all warm and cozy too!

My mother has perfected the art of making a swaddling blanket. Thanks mom! They are just perfect for the growing baby. At 8 months and 24 lbs my baby still fits in hers.

Swaddling Blanket Directions:
  1. Get yourself a piece of flannel that is about a yard and 1/3.
  2. Wash and dry (this allows for shrinkage)
  3. Once dry, tear your fabric square (you will now be down to about 1 1/4 yards of fabric which is a perfect square)
  4. Now turn all of your edges down (about 1/4 inch) twice and stitch.
  5. You now have the perfect swaddling blanket.
If you prefer not to make your own or you have a really good escape artist on your hands I have found that I really like the swaddleme infant wraps.  They have a Velcro closure and work well for a baby that wiggles out of the swaddle blanket while sleeping and wakes them self up. This helps to keep them sleeping better... longer.
(Kiddopotamus has been purchased by Summer... )

Happy Swaddling!


Veronica Lee said...

Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.

ParkerandSophiasMom said...

Thanks Veronica! I appreciate it!