Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sophia - 11 Months, 1 Week

As I sit here preparing for my baby girls first birthday I am struck how quickly this year has gone by. I know that everyone says that and that time truly does fly... But I just don't remember being this struck by the first year of my little boy’s life flying by. I am flipping through pictures of her trying to find one that is just right for her birthday invitations. I am amazed by how much she has grown, how here little personality has become her own, and how it is odd thinking of life without her. Every mother needs the reminder to slow down and enjoy their children. Remember that they won't be little forever. So, hold on, cuddle love, and enjoy them every step of the way. This is my little reminder I guess.

Sophia also will be getting tubes next week. Yup, yet another child with ear infections. How did I get so lucky?! I find my self wishing this little step of her life away. I wish that we were already past it and on to the birthday party. But in doing so, I am mentally skipping 3 weeks of her life. How can I do this when every step, every moment, every restless night is just another moment in her life that I get to care for her and cuddle that little baby. Ok I am getting a little sappy here and tearful. Tip of the day. Hold on to them! And every time you think.... I haven't taken a picture of them lately. Go grab that camera and click away! You can't get that perfect picture unless you try. They will not be this size forever and at this age they my only be this size for a day!

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