Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ear Infections and Tubes

Both of my children now have tubes. Sophia just had her first pair put in last Thursday. I have to say, as for any surgery that your children under go you are scared for them that nothing with go wrong and the pain that they will go through after it is all over. There were times in the recovery room that I was in tears right along with her. Now that it is done and over it is of course a relief. Everything went well and she is just as happy a little girl as she always was. Maybe even happier, if that is possible. For those of you who know Sophia you will understand. :) To explain to the rest of you.... She rarely ever cries, even when she is sick, the only time I hear this is in the middle of the night when she is scared, lonely, or hungry. Or of course when she is hungry during the day (You dare not show her food as she loves it and can't wait another minute for it!). She has only slept through the night a hand full of times in her, almost 1 year, life. Last night for the first time in a long time I only awoke once to here her whimpers, I believe out of habit. I was able to give her pacifier back and she was back to sleep. Wow, to get a full nights sleep, what an amazing thing!

For all those of you who are contemplating tubes for you little one or have been told tubes may be the next step please keep my thoughts in mind when deciding. Ear infections are painful, for you and your child. Repeated ear infections can cause hearing damage. Although tubes can cause hearing damage it is far less likely than it is for chronic ear infection. Keep in mind that the ear drum can also possibly burst from build up of fluid on the ear with ear infections. This is a very painful thing too. The tubes help to keep the ear drum dry and allow the air to pass more freely cutting down the chances of infection dramatically. I can not promise you that you child will not get sick again once they have tubes. But I can say from my experience with my first child that tubes made a lot of difference in his life. He was rarely sick after they were put in and a MUCH happier child. He also paid more attention to the things around him. I think he was finally able to hear them better. Sophia is a much different child than her brother. But non the less if last night was a testament.... She is sleeping! If that is all it takes for my children to live and feel better..... Then I am willing to do it.

For more information on Ear Infections and Tube Surgery go to: http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/ears/ear_infections.html

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