Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Food

Someone said to me just the other day. "It is to bad you can't really save money on the essential baby things like food and diapers." My thought was why can't you! The part that I latched on to was the food. Although you can't really save money on formula ( you can if your baby can tolerate the store brand ) you can still save some money on the baby food itself. I like to refer to it as "Semi-Homemade".

Semi Homemade Baby Food

  • One Can of Veggies (Non Salted or seasoned), Frozen Veggies, or Fruit
  • Boil Veggies for approximately 5-10 minutes. This will get the food up to temp to kill any bacteria as well as serve the purpose of softening them. (If cooking fruit, cook till softened. If cooked long enough you will not need to puree also see: http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-to-make-your-own-baby-food_1401482.bc?showAll=true )
  • Drain water
  • Pour veggies and or fruit in food processor and puree
  • Pour pureed veggies in to individual portioned containers
Refrigeration and freezing tips:
  • Refrigerate in an airtight container and use them up within a couple of days.
  • Freeze in the same airtight container or...
  • Freeze them in an ice cube tray. After the cubes are frozen solid, remove them and store in plastic freezer bags.
  • Fruits and vegetables frozen this way will last six to eight months. Meat (including poultry) and fish will last one to two months.


Sara Buuck said...

Save even more by planting your own garden and use veggies harvested from your own ground. Great way to get older children involved with outdoor gardening, too. This is our plan this year with the new baby on the way and a 3 year old that LOVES the outdoors and anything and everything about nature

mikaysmom said...

This is great! Now to just figure out when the time would pop up to boil and puree! LOL! Really, we should all strive to find the time to make the good food our babies deserve without having to go to the store and buy it from gerber all the time!

ParkerandSophiasMom said...

Great Posts girls! Sara, I am with you on the growing of your own veggies. Parker would LOVE it! That is my plan for this year. I just hope I have the time. As for you Renee... I am with you on that too. Some times we have great intentions. I must say that I am not using homemade 100% of the time. But I am close. I keep some for emergencies and for eating out.