Friday, May 21, 2010

The Perfect Swaddling Blanket

I have the perfect swaddling blanket instructions! You will have to thank my mom for this one. THANKS MOM!

My mother started making Receiving Blankets for us girls and the babies as soon as her first grandchild arrived. It always had bothered her that a Receiving Blanket was only big enough for a new born and not even square. How can you possibly swaddle in a blanket that isn't square! So she figured out how to make one on her own and you get the benefit. My kids STILL love their blankets and sleep with at least one every night.
Making a Receiving/Swaddling Blanket:
  1. Pick your favorite piece of Flannel
  2. Buy about a 1 1/3 yards
  3. Tear it square! (you will be down to about a yard and 1/4)
  4. Machine wash and dry (This will shrink your fabric and you will be left with approximately 1 yard of square fabric)
  5. Fold your raw edges under and stitch
You are now done with your blanket.

What is so great about this blanket is that it grows with your baby. It can be wrapped as tightly as needed for a new born and will still be big enough to swaddle a growing baby even up to 6-10 months, depending on the size of the child. If you do not know how to swaddle or would like step by step instruction please go to:

My son, who is 4 years old, still has many of his original baby blankets that Grandma made for him. He still wants me to cover him up with at least one of them every night. Even better, it is still big enough to do so!

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